Sing With Us
New Singers
We always welcome new singers to the RCS and endeavor to maintain a blend of voices and a balance between voice sections. Simple auditions enable us to do this. The audition is not difficult – can you sing in tune and follow the music? It helps us determine voice range, voice quality. Don’t worry–if you have done choral singing or have played an instrument, you will have no problem demonstrating you music reading ability.
Membership dues are $50 per person per concert season ($100 per year). Financial assistance is available.
Concert seasons run from mid-September through mid-December and from mid-January through mid-June.
Dues cover the use of a binder with the concert music. All music is the property of the RCS and must be returned after the concerts.
We do not require you to purchase any special wardrobe. Standard formal concert dress is ladies – black to the floor-skirt or slacks, arms covered over the elbows; men – black suit, white shirt (we supply bow ties).
The current membership guidelines are available here.
The Rappahannock Choral Society holds open rehearsals on Monday nights.
Rehearsals begin at 7 PM. Rehearsals are held at the Zoan Baptist Church, 5888 Plank Road (Opposite the Harrison Crossing – Giant/Home Depot – Shopping Center).
All are welcome to sit in and sing at the rehearsal.